header { gtfs_realtime_version: "2.0" incrementality: FULL_DATASET timestamp: 1728725288 } entity { id: "18180" alert { active_period { start: 1657226640 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102698" route_type: 3 } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://svtbus.org/duvall-monroe-shuttle/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Duvall-Monroe Shuttle service is suspended until further notice due to driver shortage.\n\n" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\020\n\nSUSPENSION\022\002en" } } entity { id: "59146" alert { active_period { start: 1708516800 end: 1738411140 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102701" route_type: 3 stop_id: "81576" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/225/S" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #81576 132nd Ave NE & NE 95th St (SB) closed long-term from Wed Feb 21 2024 through early 2025 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n225\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #81574 132nd Ave NE & NE 97th St (SB)\r\nStop #81578 132nd Ave NE & NE 93rd St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "60247" alert { active_period { start: 1712086260 end: 1735732740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100495" route_type: 3 stop_id: "47970" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100495" route_type: 3 stop_id: "53504" 6: 0 } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/193/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 193 to Federal Way TC continues to be rerouted off a portion of I-5 between Kent Des Moines Rd and S 272nd St through Tuesday, December 31 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "This is an update to a previous Transit Alert. The end date has changed.\r\n\nDuring this time heading toward the Federal Way Transit Center, Route 193 will travel instead via Kent-Des Moines Rd, southbound Military Rd S, S 272nd St and then onto its regular routing on I-5.\r\n\nAffected stops:\r\nStop #53504 Kent-Des Moines Freeway Station (SB)\r\nStop #47970 I-5 & S 272nd St (SB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #53508\tKent Des Moines Rd & I-5 Ramp (EB)\r\nStop #58779 Kent Des Moines Rd & I-5 Ramp (EB)\r\nStop #53536 S 272nd St & Military Rd S (WB)\r\nStop #53538\tS 272nd St & I-5 (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "60293" alert { active_period { start: 1712185080 end: 1735646340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100011" route_type: 3 stop_id: "375" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100104" route_type: 3 stop_id: "375" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100239" route_type: 3 stop_id: "375" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100240" route_type: 3 stop_id: "375" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100459" route_type: 3 stop_id: "375" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE header_text { translation { text: "Stop #375 2nd Ave Ext S & Yesler Way (SB) closed due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n111\r\n212\r\n218\r\nST 550\r\nST 554\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #360 2nd Ave & Cherry St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "61531" alert { active_period { start: 1716807600 end: 1731758340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102702" route_type: 3 stop_id: "74268" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/239/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #74268 124th Ave NE & NE 124th St (SB) closed from Mon May 27 through Fri Nov 15 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n239\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #74733 Totem Lake Blvd & 120th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #74321 124th Ave NE & Slater Ave NE (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "61532" alert { active_period { start: 1716807600 end: 1731758340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102702" route_type: 3 stop_id: "74270" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/239/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #74270 124th Ave NE & NE 116th St (SB) closed from Mon May 27 through Fri Nov 15 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n239\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #74733 Totem Lake Blvd & 120th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #74321 124th Ave NE & Slater Ave NE (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "62386" alert { active_period { start: 1719572400 end: 1730807940 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50781" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50783" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50707" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/183/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 183 will be rerouted off Reith Rd between Lake Fenwick Rd S and S 253rd St from Friday, June 28 through Monday, November 4 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #50781 Reith Rd & Lake Fenwick Rd S (WB)\r\nStop #50783 Reith Rd & S 253rd St (SB)\r\nStop #50707 Reith Rd & S 253rd St (NB)\r\nStop #50709 Reith Rd & Lake Fenwick Rd S (EB)\r\n\nFor Route 183 to Federal Way TC get on/off buses at:\r\nThe temporary stop southbound on Lake Fenwick Rd S just south of Reith Rd.\r\nThe temporary stop westbound on S 253rd St just east of Reith Rd.\r\n\nFor Route 183 to Kent Station get on/off buses at:\r\nThe temporary stop eastbound on S 253rd St & 45th Ave S.\r\nThe temporary stop northbound on Lake Fenwick Rd S just south of Reith Rd." language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "62497" alert { active_period { start: 1720436400 end: 1728730740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100229" route_type: 3 stop_id: "6800" } cause: MAINTENANCE effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/5/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #6800 Greenwood Ave N & N 125th St (NB) closed from Mon Jul 8 through Fri Oct 11 due to sidewalk repair." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n5\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #6790 Greenwood Ave N & N 122nd St (NB)\r\nStop #6820 Greenwood Ave N & N 130th St (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\025\n\017SIDEWALK_REPAIR\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "63055" alert { active_period { start: 1721403600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100272" route_type: 3 stop_id: "32442" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/773/S" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #32442 Harbor Ave SW & SW Spokane St (SB) closed due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n773\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #32441 Harbor Ave SW & SW Harbor Ln (SB)\r\nStop #19898 SW Avalon Way & SW Bradford St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "63240" alert { active_period { start: 1721818800 end: 1729508340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100062" route_type: 3 stop_id: "18740" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100224" route_type: 3 stop_id: "18740" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102574" route_type: 3 stop_id: "18740" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #18740 NW Market St & Ballard Ave NW (WB) closed through Sun Oct 20 at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n17\r\n40\r\n44\r\n\nGet on/off buses at:\r\nRoutes 17 & 44 -\r\nThe temporary stop on Market St just west of 24th Ave NW (WB)\r\n\nRoute 17 & 40 -\r\nStop #18720 Leary Ave NW & NW Vernon Pl (NB)\r\n\nRoute 40 -\r\nStop #19510 24th Ave NW & NW 57th St (NB)\r\n\nRoute 44 -\r\nStop #29720 NW Market St & 20th Ave NW (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "63507" alert { active_period { start: 1722510000 end: 1729335540 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100229" route_type: 3 stop_id: "5910" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/5/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #5910 Phinney Ave N & N 59th St (SB) closed from Thu Aug 1 through Fri Oct 18 at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n5\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #5900 Phinney Ave N & N 61st St (SB)\r\nStop #5930 Phinney Ave N & N 55th St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "63815" alert { active_period { start: 1726578900 end: 1733227140 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100003" route_type: 3 stop_id: "55939" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100042" route_type: 3 stop_id: "55939" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100048" route_type: 3 stop_id: "55939" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #55939 S Grady Way & Talbot Rd S (EB) closed through Mon Dec 2 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n101\r\n148\r\n153\r\n\nRoutes 101 and 148 get on/off at:\r\nStop #46466 S Grady Way & Wells Ave S (EB)\r\nStop #55938 South Renton P&R - Bay 2 (EB)\r\n\nRoute 153 get on/off at:\r\nStop #46466 S Grady Way & Wells Ave S (EB)\r\nStop #59904 South Renton P&R - Bay 3 (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64125" alert { active_period { start: 1723393140 end: 1735732740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102719" route_type: 3 stop_id: "52637" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/161/N/08/11/2024/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #52637 S 188th St & 46th Ave S (WB) relocated until further notice due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n161\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop located on S 188th St just east of 46th Ave S (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64195" alert { active_period { start: 1724238000 end: 1743418740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100089" route_type: 3 stop_id: "13277" 6: 1 } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/2/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 2 to W Queen Anne will be rerouted off E Madison St and will not serve Stop #13277 E Madison St & 13th Ave (WB) through Sunday, March 30, 2025 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #13277 E Madison St & 13th Ave (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #3030 E Union St & 14th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #3032 E Union St & Broadway (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64424" alert { active_period { start: 1724190420 end: 1735732740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102574" route_type: 3 stop_id: "40068" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/40/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #40068 N Northgate Way & Aurora Ave N (EB) closed until further notice, due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n40\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop on N Northgate Way just west of Midvale Ave N (EB).\r\nStop #40070 N Northgate Way & Stone Ave N (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64611" alert { active_period { start: 1724705340 end: 1730545140 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102574" route_type: 3 stop_id: "18720" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/40/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #18720 Leary Ave NW & NW Vernon Pl (NB) closed due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n40\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on Leary Ave NW, just south of NW Vernon Pl (NB). " language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64773" alert { active_period { start: 1725041100 end: 1732967940 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "76226" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102702" route_type: 3 stop_id: "76226" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102705" route_type: 3 stop_id: "76226" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #76226 Beardslee Blvd & 110th Ave NE (EB) closed from Fri Aug 30 to Fri Nov 29 at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n372\r\n230\r\n239\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #76305 UW Bothell & Cascadia College (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64774" alert { active_period { start: 1725042000 end: 1732967940 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "76224" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102702" route_type: 3 stop_id: "76224" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102705" route_type: 3 stop_id: "76224" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #76224 Beardslee Blvd & 108th Ave NE (EB) closed from Fri Aug 30 to Fri Nov 29 at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n230\r\n239\r\n372\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #76305 UW Bothell & Cascadia College (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64817" alert { active_period { start: 1725071400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100459" route_type: 3 6: 1 } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: OTHER_EFFECT url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/218/W" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 218 to Downtown Seattle will not serve Stop #67019 I-90 Expwy Ramp & 142nd Pl SE - Bay 3 until further notice, due to long term stop closure for construction. " language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64856" alert { active_period { start: 1725458400 end: 1735689600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "53508" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102717" route_type: 3 stop_id: "53508" } cause: MAINTENANCE effect: NO_SERVICE header_text { translation { text: "Stop #53508 Kent Des Moines Rd & I-5 Ramp (EB) closed from Wed Sep 4 to Tue Dec 31 from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day due to bus stop maintenance work." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n162\r\n165\r\n\nFor Route 165 to Green River College get on/off at:\r\nStop #48960 Pacific Hwy S & Kent Des Moines Rd (NB)\r\nStop #21945 Kent Des Moines P&R (SB)\r\n\nFor Route 162 to Lake Meridian get on/off at:\r\nStop #58779 Kent Des Moines Rd & I-5 Ramp (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\037\n\031BUS_STOP_MAINTENANCE_WORK\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64957" alert { active_period { start: 1725563820 end: 1735732740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100133" route_type: 3 stop_id: "79868" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100136" route_type: 3 stop_id: "79868" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100137" route_type: 3 stop_id: "79868" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102554" route_type: 3 stop_id: "79868" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED header_text { translation { text: "Stop #79868 Factoria Blvd SE & SE 38th St (SB) relocated until further notice due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n240\r\n241\r\n245\r\n246\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on Factoria Blvd SE just south of SE 38th St. (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64959" alert { active_period { start: 1725829500 end: 1734915900 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15201" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15202" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15203" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15211" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15204" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15206" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15207" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15212" } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 21 will be affected in both directions during Seahawk home games; stops on portions of 1st Ave S will not be served; use alternate stops on 4th Ave S instead." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Reroute will be in effect on each of the games noted below:\r\n- Sunday, September 8 at 2:05 PM-5:05 PM\r\n- Sunday, September 22 at 2:05 PM-5:05 PM\r\n- Sunday, October 6 at 2:25 PM-5:25 PM\r\n- Thursday, October 10 at 6:15 PM-9:15 PM\r\n- Sunday, October 27 at 2:05 PM-5:05 PM\r\n- Sunday, November 3 at 2:25 PM-5:25 PM\r\n- Sunday, November 24 at 2:25 PM-5:25 PM\r\n- Sunday, December 15 at 6:20 PM-9:20 PM\r\n- Sunday, December 22 at 2:05 PM-5:05 PM\r\n\nAffected stops:\r\nStop #15206 1st Ave S & S Stacy St (NB)\r\nStop #15212 1st Ave S & S Walker St (NB)\r\nStop #15207 1st Ave S & S Holgate St (NB)\r\nStop #15204 Edgar Martinez Dr S & Occidental Ave S (EB)\r\nStop #15201 1st Ave S & S Atlantic St (SB)\r\nStop #15202 1st Ave S & S Holgate St (SB)\r\nStop #15211 1st Ave S & S Walker St (SB)\r\nStop #15203 1st Ave S & S Stacy St (SB)\r\n\nFor Route 21 to Downtown Seattle get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #15230 1st Ave S & S Lander St (NB)\r\nStop #30570 4th Ave S & S Lander St (NB)\r\nStop #30590 4th Ave S & S Walker St (NB)\r\nStop #30600 4th Ave S & S Holgate St (NB)\r\nStop #30635 4th Ave S & S Royal Brougham Way (NB)\r\n\nFor Route 21 to Westwood Village get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #515 3rd Ave S & S Main St (SB)\r\nStop #30670 4th Ave S & Edgar Martinez Dr S (SB)\r\nStop #30690 4th Ave S & S Holgate St (SB)\r\nStop #30700 4th Ave S & S Walker St (SB)\r\nStop #15380 1st Ave S & S Lander St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64963" alert { active_period { start: 1725966000 end: 1733745540 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "9650" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100228" route_type: 3 stop_id: "9650" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100259" route_type: 3 stop_id: "9650" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/67/N/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #9650 11th Ave NE & NE 45th St (NB) closed from Tue Sep 10 through Sun Dec 8 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected route:\r\n67\r\n\nStop #9660 11th Ave NE & NE 47th St (NB)\r\n\n" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "64964" alert { active_period { start: 1725575400 end: 1735732740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100133" route_type: 3 stop_id: "80412" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100136" route_type: 3 stop_id: "80412" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100137" route_type: 3 stop_id: "80412" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102554" route_type: 3 stop_id: "80412" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED header_text { translation { text: "Stop #80412 Factoria Blvd SE & SE 38th St (NB) relocated until further notice due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n240\r\n241\r\n245\r\n246\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\n The relocated stop on Factoria Blvd SE just north of SE 38th St (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65062" alert { active_period { start: 1726311600 end: 1736769540 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102746" route_type: 3 } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/routes-and-service/schedules-and-maps/333.html?preview=true" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 333 will be rerouted off of NE 145th St between Meridian Ave N and 5th Ave NE until further notice due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #75310 NE 145th St & 5th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #75320 NE 145th St & 1st Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #75330 N 145th St & Corliss Ave N (WB)\r\nStop #75220 N 145th St & Meridian Ave N (EB)\r\nStop #75230 N 145th St & Corliss Ave N (EB)\r\nStop #75240 NE 145th St & 1st Ave NE (EB)\r\n\nFor Route 333 to Mountlake Terrace Station get on/off at:\r\nStop #81299 Shoreline South/148th Station - Bay 1 (WB)\r\nStop #81302 5th Ave NE & NE 152nd St (NB)\r\nStop #97137 NE 155th St & 5th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #77613 N 155th St & 1st Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #75340 N 145th St & Meridian Ave N (WB)\r\n\nFor Route 333 to Shoreline South/148th St Station get on/off at:\r\nStop #75210 N 145th St & Courtland Pl N (EB)\r\nStop #77611 N 155th St & Meridian Ave N (EB)\r\nStop #77616 NE 155th St & 1st Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #81252 5th Ave NE & NE 155th St (SB)\r\nStop #81254 5th Ave NE & NE 152nd St (SB)\r\n\nRiders may also board Route 365 at Stop #16570 Meridian Ave N & N 145th St (NB) for service to Shoreline South/148th St Station.\r\n\n" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65066" alert { active_period { start: 1726311600 end: 1736769540 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102744" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75230" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102744" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75240" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102744" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75307" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102744" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75310" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102744" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75320" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102744" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75330" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/routes-and-service/schedules-and-maps/365.html?preview=true" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 365 will be rerouted in both directions off of NE 145th St and a portion of 5th Ave NE until further notice due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #75230 N 145th St & Corliss Ave N (EB)\r\nStop #75240 NE 145th St & 1st Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #75307 5th Ave NE & NE 145th St (NB)\r\nStop #75310 NE 145th St & 5th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #75320 NE 145th St & 1st Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #75330 N 145th St & Corliss Ave N (WB)\r\n\nFor Route 365 to Shoreline/North 185th St Station get on/off at:\r\nStop #16570 Meridian Ave N & N 145th St (NB)\r\nStop #77611 N 155th St & Meridian Ave N (EB)\r\nStop #77616 NE 155th St & 1st Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #81252 5th Ave NE & NE 155th St (SB)\r\nStop #81254 5th Ave NE & NE 152nd St (SB)\r\nStop #81301 Shoreline South/148th Station - Bay 2 (SB)\r\n\nFor Route 365 to Northgate Station get on/off at:\r\nStop #81301 Shoreline South/148th Station - Bay 2 (SB)\r\nStop #97137 NE 155th St & 5th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #77613 N 155th St & 1st Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #16800 Meridian Ave N & N 145th St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65173" alert { active_period { start: 1726311600 end: 1743245940 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100089" route_type: 3 stop_id: "13262" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/2/N/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #13262 E Union St & 12th Ave (WB) closed beginning Sat Sep 14 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n2\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #3030 E Union St & 14th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #3032 E Union St & Broadway (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65409" alert { active_period { start: 1728730800 end: 1728817140 } active_period { start: 1728817200 end: 1728903540 } active_period { start: 1729335600 end: 1729421940 } active_period { start: 1729422000 end: 1729508340 } active_period { start: 1729940400 end: 1730026740 } active_period { start: 1730026800 end: 1730113140 } active_period { start: 1730545200 end: 1730635140 } active_period { start: 1730635200 end: 1730721540 } active_period { start: 1731153600 end: 1731239940 } active_period { start: 1731240000 end: 1731326340 } active_period { start: 1731758400 end: 1731844740 } active_period { start: 1731844800 end: 1731931140 } active_period { start: 1732363200 end: 1732449540 } active_period { start: 1732449600 end: 1732535940 } active_period { start: 1732968000 end: 1733054340 } active_period { start: 1733054400 end: 1733140740 } active_period { start: 1733572800 end: 1733659140 } active_period { start: 1733659200 end: 1733745540 } active_period { start: 1734177600 end: 1734263940 } active_period { start: 1734264000 end: 1734350340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100005" route_type: 3 stop_id: "8620" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100263" route_type: 3 stop_id: "8620" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED header_text { translation { text: "Stop #8620 Rainier Ave S & S State St (SB) relocated from Sat Sep 21 to Sun Dec 15, weekends only, due to construction due to construction. The stop will remain open on Sat Oct 12 and Sun Oct 13." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n7\r\n106\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on Rainier Ave S just south of S Grand St (SB).\r\n" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65410" alert { active_period { start: 1728730800 end: 1728817140 } active_period { start: 1728817200 end: 1728903540 } active_period { start: 1729335600 end: 1729421940 } active_period { start: 1729422000 end: 1729508340 } active_period { start: 1729940400 end: 1730026740 } active_period { start: 1730026800 end: 1730113140 } active_period { start: 1730545200 end: 1730635140 } active_period { start: 1730635200 end: 1730721540 } active_period { start: 1731153600 end: 1731239940 } active_period { start: 1731240000 end: 1731326340 } active_period { start: 1731758400 end: 1731844740 } active_period { start: 1731844800 end: 1731931140 } active_period { start: 1732363200 end: 1732449540 } active_period { start: 1732449600 end: 1732535940 } active_period { start: 1732968000 end: 1733054340 } active_period { start: 1733054400 end: 1733140740 } active_period { start: 1733572800 end: 1733659140 } active_period { start: 1733659200 end: 1733745540 } active_period { start: 1734177600 end: 1734263940 } active_period { start: 1734264000 end: 1734350340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100005" route_type: 3 stop_id: "8460" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100263" route_type: 3 stop_id: "8460" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE header_text { translation { text: "Stop #8460 Rainier Ave S & S Grand St (NB) closed from Sat Sep 21 to Sun Dec 15, weekends only, due to construction. The stop will remain open on Sat Oct 12 and Sun Oct 13." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n7\r\n106\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #8450 Rainier Ave S & S Plum St (NB)\r\nStop #8485 Rainier Ave S & I-90 (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65560" alert { active_period { start: 1727089200 end: 1729029600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102701" route_type: 3 stop_id: "74733" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102702" route_type: 3 stop_id: "74733" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #74733 Totem Lake Blvd & 120th Ave NE (EB) closed until Tue Oct 15 at 3:00 PM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n225\r\n239\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #74729 Totem Lake Blvd & 120th Ave NE (SB)\r\nThe temporary stop on NE 124th St just east of the Jiffy Lube driveway (EB)." language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65581" alert { active_period { start: 1727051160 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100210" route_type: 3 stop_id: "3700" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100249" route_type: 3 stop_id: "3700" } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #3700 12th Ave S & S Jackson St (SB) closed until further notice." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n36\r\n60\r\n\nRoute 60 to Westwood Village get on/off:\r\nThe temporary stop on 12th Ave S just south of S Main St (SB)\r\n\nRoute 36 to Othello Station get on/off:\r\nStop #8541 S Jackson St & 12th Ave S (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65876" alert { active_period { start: 1727700480 end: 1729421940 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50758" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50760" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50761" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50770" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "58781" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50720" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50730" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50735" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "58785" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50720" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50730" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50735" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "58785" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50758" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50760" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50761" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "50770" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102715" route_type: 3 stop_id: "58781" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Routes 162 and 183 will be rerouted off W Meeker St between 64th Ave S & Kent-Des Moines Rd through Saturday, October 19 at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #50720 W Meeker St & Russell Rd (EB)\r\nStop #50760 W Meeker St & Russell Rd (WB)\r\nStop #50770 W Meeker St & Russell Rd (WB)\r\nStop #58781 W Meeker St & Frager Rd (WB)\r\nStop #58785 W Meeker St & Frager Rd (EB)\r\nStop #50735 W Meeker St & 64th Ave S (EB)\r\nStop #50730 W Meeker St & Russell Rd (EB)\r\nStop #50761 W Meeker St & 64th Ave S (WB)\r\nStop #50758 64th Ave S & W Meeker St (SB)\r\n\nFor both routes get on/off at:\r\nStop #50772 64th Ave S & W Meeker St (NB)\r\nStop #50740 W Meeker St & 64th Ave S (EB)\r\n\nFor Route 183 to Kent get on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop on Lake Fenwick Rd S just south of Reith Rd (NB)\r\n\nFor Route 183 to Federal Way TC get on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop on Lake Fenwick Rd S just south of Reith Rd (SB)\r\n\n" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "65904" alert { active_period { start: 1727745840 end: 1729508340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100224" route_type: 3 stop_id: "18120" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102574" route_type: 3 stop_id: "18120" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE header_text { translation { text: "Stop #18120 NW Market St & Ballard Ave NW (EB) closed through Sun Oct 20 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n44\r\n40\r\n\nFor route 40 to Downtown Seattle get on/off at:\r\nStop #19360 24th Ave NW & NW 57th St (SB)\r\nStop #18145 Leary Ave NW & NW Vernon Pl (SB)\r\n\nFor route 44 to UW Medical Center get on/off at:\r\nThe Temporary stop on NW Market St just east of 24th Ave NW \r\nStop #29213 NW Market St & 20th Ave NW (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66012" alert { active_period { start: 1728298800 end: 1730545140 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102581" route_type: 3 stop_id: "14230" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/674/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #14230 15th Ave NW & NW Market St (NB) relocated from Mon Oct 7 through Fri Nov 1 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\nRapidRide D Line\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on 15th Ave NW just north of NW 57th St (NB)." language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66014" alert { active_period { start: 1728316800 end: 1729548000 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100101" route_type: 3 stop_id: "15203" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/21/S" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #15203 1st Ave S & S Stacy St (SB) relocated from Mon Oct 7 to Mon Oct 21 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM each day due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n21\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on 1st Ave S approx. 150 ft. south of the affected stop (SB)." language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66026" alert { active_period { start: 1728320400 end: 1729292400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100005" route_type: 3 stop_id: "55802" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/106/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #55802 Martin L King Jr Way S & S Dakota St (NB) closed from Mon Oct 7 at 10:00 AM until Fri Oct 18 at 4:00 PM at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n106\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #55790 Martin L King Jr Way S & S Columbian Way (NB)\r\nThe temporary stop on Martin L King Jr Way S just south of Tamarack Dr S (NB)." language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66099" alert { active_period { start: 1728747000 end: 1728772200 } active_period { start: 1728833400 end: 1728858600 } active_period { start: 1728919800 end: 1728945000 } active_period { start: 1729006200 end: 1729031400 } active_period { start: 1729092600 end: 1729117800 } active_period { start: 1729179000 end: 1729204200 } active_period { start: 1729265400 end: 1729290600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100133" route_type: 3 stop_id: "46520" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100133" route_type: 3 stop_id: "45219" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "102734" route_type: 3 stop_id: "45219" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "102734" route_type: 3 stop_id: "46520" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 240 and ST 566 will be rerouted off Park Ave N between N 6th St and N 8th St from Wednesday, October 9 to Friday, October 18 from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM each day due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #46520 Park Ave N & N 6th St (NB)\r\nStop #45219 Park Ave N & N 8th St (SB)\r\n\nTo Bellevue/Redmond get on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop on N 6th St just east of Park Ave N (EB)\r\n\nTo Renton/Auburn get on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop on N 8th St just east of Park Ave N (EB)\r\n" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66100" alert { active_period { start: 1728730800 end: 1743418740 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102746" route_type: 3 stop_id: "77752" } cause: OTHER_CAUSE effect: OTHER_EFFECT url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/333/S" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #77752 NE 175th St & 10th Ave NE (EB) permanently closed beginning Sat Oct 12." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n333\r\n\nBeginning Saturday, October 12, board or exit Route 333 at the new stop #77731 located eastbound on NE 175th St just west of 10th Ave NE." language: "en" } } 14: 2 17: "\n \n\032PERMANENT_BUS_STOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66128" alert { active_period { start: 1728709200 end: 1728907200 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102581" route_type: 3 stop_id: "14190" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102581" route_type: 3 stop_id: "14200" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102581" route_type: 3 stop_id: "13760" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102581" route_type: 3 stop_id: "13770" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/674/S" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "RapidRide D Line will be rerouted off of the Ballard Bridge from Friday, October 11 at 10:00 PM until Monday, October 14 at 5:00 AM at all times due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops to Ballard:\r\nStop #14190 15th Ave W & W Emerson St (NB)\r\nStop #14200 15th Ave NW & NW Leary Way (NB)\r\n\nAffected stops to Downtown Seattle:\r\nStop #13760 15th Ave NW & NW Leary Way (SB)\r\nStop #13770 15th Ave W & W Emerson St (SB)\r\n\nFor RapidRide D Line to Ballard get on/off at:\r\nStop #14170 15th Ave W & W Dravus St (NB)\r\nThe temporary stop on 15th Ave W just north of W Ruffner St (NB)\r\nThe temporary stop on 15th Ave NW just north of Leary Way NW (NB)\r\nThe temporary stop on 15th Ave NW just south of NW 54th St (NB)\r\n\nFor RapidRide D Line to Downtown Seattle get on/off at:\r\nStop #13721 15th Ave NW & NW Market St (SB)\r\nStop #18165 NW Leary Way & 15th Ave NW (EB)\r\nThe temporary stop on 15th Ave W opposite W Ruffner St (SB)\r\nStop #13800 15th Ave W & W Dravus St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66130" alert { active_period { start: 1728644400 end: 1731758340 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100030" route_type: 3 stop_id: "30600" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100031" route_type: 3 stop_id: "30600" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #30600 4th Ave S & S Holgate St (NB) relocated from Fri Oct 11 through Fri Nov 15 due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n131\r\n132\r\n\nGet on/off at the temporary stop at 4th Ave S, just south of S Holgate St (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66132" alert { active_period { start: 1728709200 end: 1728734400 } active_period { start: 1728795600 end: 1728820800 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100072" route_type: 3 stop_id: "60638" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/181/E/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 181 to Twin Lakes P&R will be rerouted off of S 320th St between 21st Ave S and 23rd Ave S from Wednesday, October 9 to Saturday, October 12 from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM overnight each night due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #60638 S 320th St & 23rd Ave S (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #80433 Federal Way TC - Bay 3 (WB)\r\nStop #60640 S 320th St & 20th Ave S (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66134" alert { active_period { start: 1728655200 end: 1729290600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100203" route_type: 3 stop_id: "16300" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/346/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #16300 Meridian Ave N & N 158th St (SB) closed from Fri Oct 11 to Fri Oct 18, daily, from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n346 Shoreline South/148th Station BAY 2 \r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #16290 Meridian Ave N & N 160th St (SB)\r\nStop #77611 N 155th St & Meridian Ave N (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66160" alert { active_period { start: 1728712800 end: 1728907200 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71348" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71359" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "25752" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "25755" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29420" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71355" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100146" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71356" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/255/E" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 255 will be rerouted in both directions during the SR 520 floating bridge closure from Friday, October 11 at 11:00 PM through Monday, October 14 at 5:00 AM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #71348 Sr 520 & Evergreen Point Rd (EB)\r\nStop #71359 Clyde Hill/Yarrow & Clyde Hill/Yarrow (EB)\r\nStop #71356 Clyde Hill/Yarrow & Clyde Hill/Yarrow (WB)\r\nStop #71355 Sr 520 & Evergreen Point Rd (WB)\r\nStop #25752 Montlake Blvd E & E Shelby St (NB)\r\nStop #25755 Montlake Blvd NE & NE Pacific Pl - Bay 4 (NB)\r\nStop #29420 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (WB)\r\n\nFor Route 255 to University District get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #74450 South Kirkland P&R (NB)\r\nStop #74460 108th Ave NE & Northup Way (SB)\r\nStop #64140 N Mercer Way & 80th Ave SE Bay 1 (WB) - Intending riders to downtown Seattle may transfer here to ST 550 & ST 554 to Seattle.\r\nStop #10911 U District Station Bay 3 (EB) - Intending riders to downtown Seattle may transfer here to Link at U District Station.\r\nStop #10914 15th Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy (SB) - Intending riders to UW Medical Center may transfer here to Routes 44, 48 & 372.\r\nStop #9144 NE Campus Pkwy & University Way NE (WB)\r\n\nFor Route 255 to Totem Lake TC get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #29240 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #25240 Montlake Blvd NE & NE Pacific Pl - Bay 3 (SB)\r\nStop #64065 N Mercer Way & 80th Ave SE Bay 2 (EB) - Intending riders to Kirkland & Totem Lake may transfer here from routes ST 550 & ST 554 coming from downtown Seattle.\r\nStop #74450 South Kirkland P&R (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66161" alert { active_period { start: 1728712800 end: 1728907200 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29240" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29247" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "70596" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73010" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73020" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73030" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73040" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73042" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73044" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73048" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "85669" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "11352" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "25752" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29405" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29420" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29440" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "70619" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "72932" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "72940" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "72950" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "72960" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "72970" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "72980" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100162" route_type: 3 stop_id: "73043" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/271/E" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 271 will be rerouted in both directions during the SR 520 floating bridge closure from Friday, October 11 at 11:00 PM through Monday, October 14 at 5:00 AM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nTo Eastgate -\r\nStop #29240 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #29247 NE Pacific St & Montlake Blvd NE - Bay 1 (EB)\r\nStop #73010 84th Ave NE & NE 24th St (SB)\r\nStop #73020 84th Ave NE & NE 20th St (SB)\r\nStop #73030 NE 12th St & 84th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #73040 NE 1st St & Lake Washington Blvd NE (SB)\r\nStop #73042 NE 8th St & 92nd Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #73044 NE 8th St & 94th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #73048 NE 8th St & 98th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #70596 NE 8th St & 100th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #85669 NE 8th St & 102nd Ave NE (EB)\r\nTo the U District -\r\nStop #70619 NE 8th St & 100th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #72932 NE 8th St & 98th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #73043 NE 8th St & 95th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #72940 NE 8th St & 92nd Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #72950 Lake Washington Blvd NE & NE 10th St (NB)\r\nStop #72960 NE 12th St & 84th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #72970 84th Ave NE & NE 20th St (NB)\r\nStop #72980 84th Ave NE & NE 24th St (NB)\r\nStop #25752 Montlake Blvd E & E Shelby St (NB)\r\nStop #29405 NE Pacific St & Montlake Blvd NE - Bay 2 (WB)\r\nStop #29420 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #29440 15th Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy (NB)\r\nStop #11352 15th Ave NE & NE 42nd St (NB)\r\n\nFor Route 271 to Eastgate get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #10917 15th Ave NE & NE 40th St (SB)\r\nStop #9561 NE Pacific St & University Way NE (WB)\r\nStop #73049 NE 8th St & 106th Ave NE (EB)\r\n\nFor Route 271 to University District get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #70608 NE 8th St & 102nd Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #10911 NE 45th St & University Way NE - U District Station - Bay 3 (EB) \342\200\223 To continue to UW Medical Center/UW Station, transfer here to routes 44 or 372, or for 1 Line service at U District Station - Bay 1." language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66162" alert { active_period { start: 1728712800 end: 1728907200 } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100236" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71348" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100236" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71359" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100236" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71355" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100236" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71356" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100236" route_type: 3 stop_id: "905" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/545/E" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "ST 545 will be rerouted in both directions during the SR 520 floating bridge closure from Friday, October 11 at 11:00 PM through Monday, October 14 at 5:00 AM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #71348 Sr 520 & Evergreen Point Rd (EB)\r\nStop #71359 Clyde Hill/Yarrow & Clyde Hill/Yarrow (EB)\r\nStop #71356 Clyde Hill/Yarrow & Clyde Hill/Yarrow (WB)\r\nStop #71355 Sr 520 & Evergreen Point Rd (WB)\r\nStop #905 Stewart St & Yale Ave N (WB)\r\n\nFor ST 545 to Downtown Seattle get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #71335 SR 520 & NE 40th St (SB)\r\nStop #13441\tBellevue Ave & E Olive Way (SB)\r\nStop #11100\tE Pine St & Bellevue Ave (WB)\r\nStop #940 Stewart St & 9th Ave (WB)\r\n\nFor ST 545 to Redmond get on/off buses at:\r\nAll regular ST 545 Downtown Seattle stops.\r\nStop #1070 Olive Way & Terry Ave (EB)\r\nStop #71336 SR 520 & NE 40th St (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66163" alert { active_period { start: 1728712800 end: 1728907200 } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29240" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29247" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71348" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71359" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "11352" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "25752" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "25755" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29420" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29440" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71355" } informed_entity { agency_id: "40" route_id: "100511" route_type: 3 stop_id: "71356" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/542/E" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "ST 542 will be rerouted in both directions during the SR 520 floating bridge closure from Friday, October 11 at 11:00 PM through Monday, October 14 at 5:00 AM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nTo Redmond -\r\nStop #29240 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (EB)\r\nStop #29247 NE Pacific St & Montlake Blvd NE - Bay 1 (EB)\r\nStop #71348 SR 520 & Evergreen Point Rd (EB)\r\nStop #71359 Clyde Hill/Yarrow & Clyde Hill/Yarrow (EB)\r\n\nTo the U District -\r\nStop #71356 Clyde Hill/Yarrow & Clyde Hill/Yarrow (WB)\r\nStop #71355 SR 520 & Evergreen Point Rd (WB)\r\nStop #25752 Montlake Blvd E & E Shelby St (NB)\r\nStop #25755 Montlake Blvd NE & NE Pacific Pl - Bay 4 (NB)\r\nStop #29420 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #29440 15th Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy (NB)\r\nStop #11352 15th Ave NE & NE 42nd St (NB)\r\n\nFor ST 542 to Redmond get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #10917 15th Ave NE & NE 40th St (SB)\r\nStop #9561 NE Pacific St & University Way NE (WB)\r\nStop #71336 SR 520 & NE 40th St (NB)\r\n\nFor ST 542 to U-District Station get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #71335 SR 520 & NE 40th St (SB)\r\nStop #10911 NE 45th St & University Way NE - U District Station - Bay 3 (EB) \342\200\223 To continue to UW Medical Center/UW Station, transfer here to routes 44 or 372, or for 1 Line service at U District Station - Bay 1." language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66205" alert { active_period { start: 1728564120 end: 1733187600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100024" route_type: 3 stop_id: "21590" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/125/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #21590 Delridge Way SW & SW Oregon St (NB) closed until Mon Dec 2 at 5:00 PM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n125\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #40016 22nd Ave SW & 23rd Ave SW (NB)\r\nStop #21600 Delridge Way SW & SW Genesee St (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\022\n\fSTOP_CLOSURE\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66218" alert { active_period { start: 1728824400 end: 1728849600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100225" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75402" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100225" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75403" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100225" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75404" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100225" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75405" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100225" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75406" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100269" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75410" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100269" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75414" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100269" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75415" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100269" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75417" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100269" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75418" } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Routes 45 and 75 will be rerouted off of the UW campus from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 13 during the Dawg Dash." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nRoute 75 to Northgate -\r\nStop #75418 West Stevens Way NE & Asotin Place\r\nStop #75417 West Stevens Way NE & Okanogan Lane NE\r\nStop #75415 Stevens Way & Rainier Vista NE (EB)\r\nStop #75414 East Stevens Way NE & Benton Lane\r\nStop #75410 East Stevens Way NE & Wahkiakum Lane\r\n\nRoute 45 to Loyal Heights -\r\nStop #75406 East Stevens Way NE & Wahkiakum Lane\r\nStop #75403 East Stevens Way NE & Benton Lane\r\nStop #75402 East Stevens Way NE & Rainier Vista\r\nStop #75404 West Stevens Way NE & Okanogan Lane NE\r\nStop #75405 Stevens Way NE & George Washington Ln (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off buses at:\r\nFor Route 75 to Northgate -\r\nStop #9142 University Way Ne & Ne 41st St (SB)\r\nStop #10917 15th Ave Ne & Ne 40th St (SB)\r\nStop #29240 NE Pacific St & 15th Ave Ne (EB)\r\nStop #29242 NE Pacific Pl & NE Pacific St (EB)\r\nStop #25790 Montlake Blvd Ne & Ne 45th St (NB)\r\n\nFor Route 45 to Loyal Heights -\r\nStop #25210 Montlake Blvd Ne & Ne 45th St (WB)\r\nThe temporary stop on NE Pacific Pl just east of NE Pacific St (WB)\r\nStop #29420 Ne Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #29440 15 Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy (NB)\r\nStop #9581 University Way Ne & Ne 41st St (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66219" alert { active_period { start: 1728824400 end: 1728849600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100259" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75402" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100259" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75403" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100259" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75404" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100259" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75405" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100259" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75406" 6: 0 } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/67/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 67 to Northgate will be rerouted in the University District from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 13 during the Dawg Dash." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #75406 East Stevens Way NE & Wahkiakum Lane\r\nStop #75403 East Stevens Way NE & Benton Lane\r\nStop #75402 East Stevens Way NE & Rainier Vista\r\nStop #75404 West Stevens Way NE & Okanogan Lane NE\r\nStop #75405 Stevens Way NE & George Washington Ln (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off buses at:\r\nStop #25210 Montlake Blvd NE & NE 45th St (WB)\r\nThe temporary stop on NE Pacific Pl just east of NE Pacific St (WB)\r\nStop #29420 Ne Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (WB)\r\nStop #9147 Brooklyn Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy - Bay 3" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66220" alert { active_period { start: 1728824400 end: 1728849600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75410" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75414" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75415" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75417" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75418" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75402" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75403" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75404" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75405" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100214" route_type: 3 stop_id: "75406" } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/372/N/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 372 will be rerouted in both directions in the Montlake area from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 13 during the Dawg Dash." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #75418 West Stevens Way NE & Asotin Place\r\nStop #75417 West Stevens Way NE & Okanogan Lane NE\r\nStop #75415 Stevens Way & Rainier Vista NE (EB)\r\nStop #75414 East Stevens Way NE & Benton Lane\r\nStop #75410 East Stevens Way NE & Wahkiakum Lane\r\nStop #75406 East Stevens Way NE & Wahkiakum Lane\r\nStop #75403 East Stevens Way NE & Benton Lane\r\nStop #75402 East Stevens Way NE & Rainier Vista\r\nStop #75404 West Stevens Way NE & Okanogan Lane NE\r\nStop #75405 Stevens Way NE & George Washington Ln (WB)\r\n\nFor Route 372 to Kenmore P&R get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #10914 15th Ave Ne & Ne Campus Pkwy (SB)\r\nStop #10917 15th Ave Ne & Ne 40th St (SB)\r\nStop #29240 Ne Pacific St & 15th Ave Ne (EB)\r\nStop #29242\tNE Pacific Pl & NE Pacific St (EB)\r\nStop #25765 Montlake Blvd Ne & Ne Pacific Pl - BAY 5 (NB)\r\nStop #25791 25th Ave Ne & Ne 47th St (NB)\r\n\nFor Route 372 to University District get on/off buses at:\r\nStop #23925 25th Ave Ne & Ne 47th St (SB)\r\nThe temporary stop on NE Pacific Pl just north of NE Pacific St (WB)\r\nStop #29420 Ne Pacific St & 15th Ave NE (WB)\r\nThe temporary stop on 15th Ave NE just south of NE 40th St (NB)\r\nStop #29440 15 Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy (NB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66265" alert { active_period { start: 1728702000 end: 1728745200 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102702" route_type: 3 stop_id: "82700" 6: 1 } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/239/S" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 239 to Kirkland TC will be rerouted and will not serve Stop #82700 I-405 & Juanita Woodinville Way NE (SB) from Friday, October 11 at 8:00 PM to Saturday, October 12 at 8:00 AM due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #82700 I-405 & Juanita Woodinville Way NE (SB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe temporary stop on NE 160th St just east of 116th Ave NE (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66271" alert { active_period { start: 1728824400 end: 1728849600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100184" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29889" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100184" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29891" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100193" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29889" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100193" route_type: 3 stop_id: "29891" } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Routes 31 and 32 to the University District will be rerouted from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 13 during the Dawg Dash." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #29889 NE 45th St & Memorial Way NE (EB)\r\nStop #29891 NE 45th St & 19th Ave NE (EB)\r\n\nGet on/off buses at:\r\nStop #10911 U District Station - Bay 3 (EB)\r\nStop #25201 NE 45th St & University Village (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66273" alert { active_period { start: 1728824400 end: 1728849600 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100228" route_type: 3 stop_id: "11352" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100228" route_type: 3 stop_id: "36860" 6: 0 } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/48/N/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 48 to the University District will be rerouted off a portion of 15th Ave NE during the Dawg Dash from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 13." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #11352 15th Ave NE & NE 42nd St (NB)\r\nStop #36860 15th Ave NE & NE 45th St (NB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #29440 15th Ave NE & NE Campus Pkwy (NB)\r\nStop #9582 U District Station - Bay 5 (NB)\r\nStop #9584 University Way NE & NE 45th St (NB)\r\nStop #9586 NE 50th St & University Way NE (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66274" alert { active_period { start: 1728675720 end: 1728989940 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100263" route_type: 3 stop_id: "8740" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100289" route_type: 3 stop_id: "8740" } cause: MAINTENANCE effect: STOP_MOVED header_text { translation { text: "Stop #8740 Rainier Ave S & S Andover St (SB) relocated through Mon Oct 14 due to utility work." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n7\r\n9\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on Rainier Ave S just north of the affected stop (SB)\r\nStop #8740 Rainier Ave S & S Andover St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fUTILITY_WORK\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66275" alert { active_period { start: 1728676380 end: 1728732487 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102557" route_type: 3 6: 1 } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/915/W" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "DART 915 to Auburn is rerouted off of Cole St due to an event." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #59041 Cole St & Stevenson Ave (NB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #59038 Roosevelt Ave & Myrtine St (EB)\r\nStop #59032 Wells St & Griffin Ave (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66276" alert { active_period { start: 1728937800 end: 1728941400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102745" route_type: 3 stop_id: "100" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102745" route_type: 3 stop_id: "101" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "102745" route_type: 3 stop_id: "129" } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "RapidRide G Line will be rerouted off of Madison St and Spring St west of 4th Ave in Downtown Seattle during the Indigenous Peoples\' Day Celebration march from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Monday, October 14." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #129 Madison St & 3rd Ave (WB)\r\nStop #100 1st Ave & Spring St (NB)\r\nStop #101 Spring St & 3rd Ave (EB)\r\n\nFor RapidRide G Line to Madison Valley get on/off at:\r\nStop #102 Spring St & 4th Ave (EB)\r\n\nFor RapidRide G Line to Downtown Seattle get on/off at:\r\nStop #128 Madison St & 5th Ave (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66277" alert { active_period { start: 1728937800 end: 1728941400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100018" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1110" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100018" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1120" 6: 0 } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/12/N/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 12 to Interlaken Park will be rerouted off of Pine St between 7th Ave and 3rd Ave during the Indigenous Peoples\' Day Celebration march from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Monday, October 14." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #1110 Pine St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1120 Pine St & 4th Ave (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #1085 Pine St & 9th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1215 Union St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #691 Union St & 4th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1180 Pike St & 4th Ave (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66280" alert { active_period { start: 1728937800 end: 1728941400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100002" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1110" 6: 0 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100002" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1120" 6: 0 } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/10/N/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 10 to Capitol Hill will be rerouted off of Pine St between 7th Ave and 3rd Ave during the Indigenous Peoples\' Day Celebration march from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Monday, October 14." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #1110 Pine St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1120 Pine St & 4th Ave (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #1085 Pine St & 9th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1215 Union St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #691 Union St & 4th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1180 Pike St & 4th Ave (EB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66281" alert { active_period { start: 1728937800 end: 1728941400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100447" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1110" 6: 1 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100447" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1120" 6: 1 } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/49/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 49 to Downtown Seattle will be rerouted off of Pine St between 7th Ave and 3rd Ave during the Indigenous Peoples\' Day Celebration march from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Monday, October 14." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #1110 Pine St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1120 Pine St & 4th Ave (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #1085 Pine St & 9th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1215 Union St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #691 Union St & 4th Ave (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66282" alert { active_period { start: 1728937800 end: 1728941400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100009" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1110" } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100009" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1120" } cause: DEMONSTRATION effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/tripplanning" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 11 will be rerouted in Downtown Seattle during the Indigenous Peoples\' Day Celebration march from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Monday, October 14." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #1110 Pine St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1120 Pine St & 4th Ave (WB)\r\n\nFor Route 11 to Madison Park get on/off at:\r\nStop #1180 Pike St & 4th Ave (EB)\r\n\nFor Route 11 to Downtown Seattle get on/off at:\r\nStop #1085 Pine St & 9th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1215 Union St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1230 Union St & 4th Ave (WB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\016\n\bAN_EVENT\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66284" alert { active_period { start: 1728937800 end: 1728941400 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100173" route_type: 3 stop_id: "1110" 6: 0 } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: DETOUR url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/3/S/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 3 to Madrona and 34th Ave will be rerouted off of Pine St between 7th Ave and 3rd Ave during the Indigenous Peoples\' Day Celebration march from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM on Monday, October 14." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected stops:\r\nStop #1110 Pine St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nStop #1085 Pine St & 9th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #1215 Union St & 5th Ave (WB)\r\nStop #450 3rd Ave & Union St (SB)" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66288" alert { active_period { start: 1728919800 end: 1728943200 } active_period { start: 1729006200 end: 1729029600 } active_period { start: 1729092600 end: 1729116000 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100074" route_type: 3 stop_id: "85972" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: STOP_MOVED url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/183/N" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Stop #85972 S 288th St & 34th Ave S (WB) relocated from Mon Oct 14 to Wed Oct 16 from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM each day due to construction." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "Affected routes:\r\n183\r\n\nGet on/off at:\r\nThe relocated stop on S 288th St a short distance east of the affected stop (WB)." language: "en" } } 14: 3 17: "\n\022\n\fCONSTRUCTION\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } } entity { id: "66300" alert { active_period { start: 1728723840 end: 1728725520 } informed_entity { agency_id: "1" route_id: "100223" route_type: 3 trip { trip_id: "686456057" route_id: "100223" 6: 1 } } cause: UNKNOWN_CAUSE effect: NO_SERVICE url { translation { text: "https://tripplanner.kingcounty.gov/#/app/nextdepartures/routeheadway/full/43/S/10/11/2024/" language: "en" } } header_text { translation { text: "Route 43 trip to Downtown Seattle scheduled at 2:04 AM from U District Station - Bay 3 (EB) is not operating." language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "" language: "en" } } 14: 4 17: "\n\023\n\rUNKNOWN_CAUSE\022\002en" 18: "\n\023\n\rINFORMATIONAL\022\002en" } }