header { gtfs_realtime_version: "2.0" incrementality: FULL_DATASET timestamp: 1733356218 } entity { id: "33933" alert { active_period { start: 1725652260 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "91" stop_id: "OXFOHIG2" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "Please note there are stops closed for Route 91 at Oxford and Highbury" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nOxford at Highbury WB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Oxford at Oakside WB\r\n." language: "en" } } 12: "\nL\nFPlease note there are stops closed for Route 91 at Oxford and Highbury\022\002en" 13: "\nB\nThe following stop / stops are closed: Wellington at Horton SB\022\002en" 17: "\n\023\n\rUnknown Cause\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538189\022\0010\032\02120241121 11:29:55" } } entity { id: "36189" alert { active_period { start: 1732206540 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLHOR1" } effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stop closures for Route 13 NORTHBOUND" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington North of Horton NB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Horton at Wellington WB\r\nWellington at Horton NB\r\nWellington at Horton SB\r\n.\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\n5\n/There are stop closures for Route 13 NORTHBOUND\022\002en" 13: "\nJ\nDThe following stop / stops are closed: Wellington North of Horton NB\022\002en" 17: "\n\023\n\rUnknown Cause\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538189\022\0010\032\02120241121 11:29:55" } } entity { id: "36190" alert { active_period { start: 1732206540 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "90" stop_id: "WELLHOR2" } effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stop closures for Route 90 SOUTHBOUND" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington at Horton SB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Horton at Wellington WB\r\nWellington at Horton NB\r\nWellington at Horton SB\r\n.\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\n5\n/There are stop closures for Route 90 SOUTHBOUND\022\002en" 13: "\nD\n>The following stop / stops are closed: Wellington at Horton SB\022\002en" 17: "\n\023\n\rUnknown Cause\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538189\022\0010\032\02120241121 11:29:55" } } entity { id: "36191" alert { active_period { start: 1732206540 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "90" stop_id: "WELLHOR1" } effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stop closures for Route 90 NORTHBOUND" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington North of Horton NB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Horton at Wellington WB\r\nWellington at Horton NB\r\nWellington at Horton SB\r\n.\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\n5\n/There are stop closures for Route 90 NORTHBOUND\022\002en" 13: "\nJ\nDThe following stop / stops are closed: Wellington North of Horton NB\022\002en" 17: "\n\023\n\rUnknown Cause\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538189\022\0010\032\02120241121 11:29:55" } } entity { id: "36198" alert { active_period { start: 1732258800 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "10" stop_id: "BRADWEL3" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "Route 10 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nBradley east of Wellington Rd EB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Bradley at Dearness EB (Temp stop)\r\n." language: "en" } } 12: "\n6\n0Route 10 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington\022\002en" 13: "\nq\nkRoute 10 HURON & BARKER has stop closures. Please visit realtime.londontransit.ca for full details #LdnOnt\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538198\022\0010\032\02120241121 13:36:25" } } entity { id: "36199" alert { active_period { start: 1732258800 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "BRADWEL3" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "Route 13 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nBradley east of Wellington Rd EB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Bradley at Dearness EB (Temp stop)\r\n." language: "en" } } 12: "\n6\n0Route 13 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington\022\002en" 13: "\nm\ngRoute 13 NORTHBOUND has stop closures. Please visit realtime.londontransit.ca for full details #LdnOnt\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538198\022\0010\032\02120241121 13:36:25" } } entity { id: "36200" alert { active_period { start: 1732258800 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "28" stop_id: "BRADWEL1" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "Route 28 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nBradley west of Wellington Rd EB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n White Oaks Mall Stop 3\r\n." language: "en" } } 12: "\n6\n0Route 28 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington\022\002en" 13: "\nl\nfRoute 28 EASTBOUND has stop closures. Please visit realtime.londontransit.ca for full details #LdnOnt\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538198\022\0010\032\02120241121 13:36:25" } } entity { id: "36201" alert { active_period { start: 1732258800 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "95" stop_id: "BRADWEL3" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "Route 95 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nBradley east of Wellington Rd EB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Bradley at Dearness EB (Temp stop)\r\n." language: "en" } } 12: "\n6\n0Route 95 Stop Closures at Bradley and Wellington\022\002en" 13: "\nm\ngRoute 95 NORTHBOUND has stop closures. Please visit realtime.londontransit.ca for full details #LdnOnt\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538198\022\0010\032\02120241121 13:36:25" } } entity { id: "36286" alert { active_period { start: 1732878000 end: 1734044400 } informed_entity { route_id: "02" stop_id: "DUNDCLK4" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stop closures for Route 2 WESTBOUND" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nDundas at Clarke WB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Dundas west of Edgeworth EB\r\nDundas west of Paterson WB\r\n.\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\n3\n-There are stop closures for Route 2 WESTBOUND\022\002en" 13: "\n@\n:The following stop / stops are closed: Dundas at Clarke WB\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538358\022\0010\032\02120241127 16:12:30" } } entity { id: "36287" alert { active_period { start: 1732878000 end: 1734044400 } informed_entity { route_id: "02" stop_id: "DUNDCLK1" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stop closures for Route 2 EASTBOUND" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nDundas at Clarke EB.\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Dundas west of Edgeworth EB\r\nDundas west of Paterson WB\r\n.\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\n3\n-There are stop closures for Route 2 EASTBOUND\022\002en" 13: "\n@\n:The following stop / stops are closed: Dundas at Clarke EB\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538358\022\0010\032\02120241127 16:12:30" } } entity { id: "36292" alert { active_period { start: 1732813200 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLBRA1" } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLCRES" } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLDEAR" } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLMON1" } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLWIL1" } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLCRE2" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stops closed for Route 13 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington at Creston Ave NB\r\nWellington at Dearness NB\r\nWellington at Montgomery Gate NB\r\nWellington Between Creston and Wilkins NB\r\nWellington North of Bradley NB\r\nWellington South of Wilkins St NB\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Wellington North of Wilkins NB\r\nWhite Oaks Mall Stop 1\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\nT\nNThere are stops closed for Route 13 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins\022\002en" 13: "\n\366\001\n\357\001The following stop / stops are closed: Wellington at Creston Ave NB\r\nWellington at Dearness NB\r\nWellington at Montgomery Gate NB\r\nWellington Between Creston and Wilkins NB\r\nWellington North of Bradley NB\r\nWellington South of Wilkins St NB\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538372\022\0010\032\02120241128 11:23:03" } } entity { id: "36293" alert { active_period { start: 1732813200 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLDEAR" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stops closed for Route 13 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington at Dearness NB\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Wellington North of Wilkins NB\r\nWhite Oaks Mall Stop 1\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\nT\nNThere are stops closed for Route 13 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins\022\002en" 13: "\nF\n@The following stop / stops are closed: Wellington at Dearness NB\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538372\022\0010\032\02120241128 11:23:03" } } entity { id: "36294" alert { active_period { start: 1732813200 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "13" stop_id: "WELLMON4" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stops closed for Route 13 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington North of Montgomery G.t SB\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n Wellington South of Montgomery Gate SB\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\nT\nNThere are stops closed for Route 13 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins\022\002en" 13: "\nR\nLThe following stop / stops are closed: Wellington North of Montgomery G.t SB\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538372\022\0010\032\02120241128 11:23:03" } } entity { id: "36295" alert { active_period { start: 1732813200 end: 32503698000 } informed_entity { route_id: "30" stop_id: "WELLDEAR" } cause: CONSTRUCTION effect: DETOUR header_text { translation { text: "There are stops closed for Route 30 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins" language: "en" } } description_text { translation { text: "The following stops will be closed:\r\nWellington at Dearness NB\r\n\r\n Alternate stops can be found at:\r\n White Oaks Mall Stop 2\r\n" language: "en" } } 12: "\nT\nNThere are stops closed for Route 30 on Wellington between Dearness and Wilkins\022\002en" 13: "\nF\n@The following stop / stops are closed: Wellington at Dearness NB\022\002en" 17: "\n\022\n\fConstruction\022\002en" 18: "\n\f\n\006Detour\022\002en" 9000: "\n\00538372\022\0010\032\02120241128 11:23:03" } }