routes.txt: Transit routes. A route is a group of trips that are displayed to riders as a single service.
Column |
agency_id |
route_id |
route_short_name |
route_long_name |
route_desc |
route_type |
route_url |
route_color |
route_text_color |
route_sort_order |
min_headway_minutes |
eligibility_restricted |
continuous_pickup |
continuous_drop_off |
tts_route_short_name |
tts_route_long_name |
agency_id,route_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_desc,route_type,route_url,route_color,route_text_color,route_sort_order,min_headway_minutes,eligibility_restricted,continuous_pickup,continuous_drop_off,tts_route_short_name,tts_route_long_name 782,9507,1,Route 1 - Sulphur Mountain,"Roam Route 1 provides service from the top of Sulphur Mountain (Banff Hot Springs and Gondola) to the North end of Banff Avenue via downtown Banff. Service to the Banff Compound Industrial Districit is provided during the AM and PM peak, as well as trips mid-day (noon).",3,,336611,FFFFFF,0,46,0,1,1,, 782,9506,2,Route 2 - Tunnel Mountain,Roam Route 2 provides service from the top of Tunnel Mountain to the Banff Springs Hotel via downtown Banff. Service to Bow Falls is provided during summer months.,3,,00afd7,FFFFFF,1,38,0,1,1,, 782,14222,10,Route 10 - Moraine Lake,Daily service between Banff and Moraine Lake.,3,,6d460c,ffffff,10,,0,1,1,, 782,10981,On-It,Regional On-It,"Summer service to or from Calgary, Banff, and Canmore. Starts May 19th and runs through to Sept 17th offering Fri/Sat/Sun service. New for 2023, Thursday evening service starting June 15th. Please visit the website to purchase your tickets.",3,,805531,ffffff,12,15,0,1,1,,