routes.txt: Transit routes. A route is a group of trips that are displayed to riders as a single service.
Column |
agency_id |
route_id |
route_short_name |
route_long_name |
route_desc |
route_type |
route_url |
route_color |
route_text_color |
route_sort_order |
min_headway_minutes |
eligibility_restricted |
continuous_pickup |
continuous_drop_off |
tts_route_short_name |
tts_route_long_name |
agency_id,route_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_desc,route_type,route_url,route_color,route_text_color,route_sort_order,min_headway_minutes,eligibility_restricted,continuous_pickup,continuous_drop_off,tts_route_short_name,tts_route_long_name 22,135,1,Tillamook Town Loop,"The Tillamook Town Loop is your trip around the town of Tillamook, with service to the Cheese Factory, Fairview, Fred Meyer, Safeway, the Hospital, and more. This service operates every day, with trips leaving the Transit Center 7am to 7:00pm.",3,,dc004c,ffffff,0,60,0,1,1,, 57,279,1,Downtown Portland,"Intercity bus service with stops in Portland, Linnton, Scappoose, Warren, and St. Helens.",3,,00a756,ffffff,0,60,0,1,1,, 22,131,2,Tillamook - Oceanside - Netarts,"Intercity Bus Service between Tillamook, Netarts, and Oceanside.",3,,dc004c,ffffff,1,,0,1,1,, 22,13313,,NW Rides,,3,,dc004c,ffffff,10,,1,1,1,,