
ID Code Name
3115 167 Pacific City Details
3117 158 Neskowin Details
3120 133 Goodspeed Park Details
3121 181 TBCC
Tillamook Bay Community College
3122 173 Post Office, Tillamook Details
3125 184 Tillamook Park and Ride Details
3126 186 Tillamook Sporting Goods
This is in the North Coast Plaza shopping Center.
3460525 188 Union Station, Portland Details
3460528 602 NE 1st & Prairie St - Scappoose Details
3460529 600 St Helens Transit Center Details
3460530 500 Rainier Transit Center-Estby Station Details
3878443 - Whalen Island County Park Details
4211607 - Ensign and 101
The stop is located on Ensign and HWY 101
4211609 - 14th & Duane (Astor Building) Details
4230374 - Dairy Queen Details
4230375 - DMV Details
4230376 - El Tapatio Details
759430 606 SW Salmon between 6th and 5th Avenues Details
761186 140 Hospital (Route 2) Details
761189 176 Rose Lodge Details
761190 193 Rose Lodge Details
761191 134 Grand Ronde Community Center Details
761192 179 Spirit Mountain Details
761193 194 Salem Amtrak-Greyhound Station Details
761243 164 Oceanside Details
761244 161 Netarts Bay Details
761245 141 Hospital (Route 2) Details
761247 154 Cannon Beach Midtown Details
761248 170 Pelican Pub Details
780949 300 Astoria Transit Center
The stop is located at the Astoria Transit Center (9th and Marine Drive).
780950 316 Liberty Theater
The stop is located at the southeast corner of Commercial and 12th Street.
780951 317 Columbia Memorial Hospital
The stop is located at either 21st or 22nd and Exchange - Curb marked in yellow.
780952 318 Astoria Safeway
The stop is located at the southwest corner of 33rd and Leif Erickson Drive (Marine Drive).
780954 320 45th & Leif Erickson
The stop is located at the southeast corner of 45th Street and Leif Erickson Drive.
780960 326 Mitschner Shelter Bus Stop
The stop is located 30 feet north of Turner Road on Mitschner.
780961 327 Job Corp Center
The stop is located at the northwest end of the west parking lot which connects to Old Highway 30.
780963 329 45th & Cedar
The stop is located at the northwest corner of 45th Street and Cedar Street.
780965 331 Astoria Safeway
The stop is located at the northwest corner of 33rd and Leif Erickson Drive (Marine Drive).
780966 332 Gateway Apartments
The stop is located on the north side of Marine Drive between 27th Street and 28th Street (Across Street from Liquor Store).
780968 334 Clatsop Community College
The stop is located on Lexington outside the college library.
780970 335 Astoria High School
The stop is located on the west side of West Marine Drive across from the high school parking lot.
780971 336 Peter Pan
The stop is located on the west side of Niagra Avenue between 7th Street and 8th Street.
780972 337 Holiday Inn Express
The stop is located 10 feet west of the northwest corner of West Marine Drive and Columbia Avenue.
780973 338 Short Stop Bus Stop
The stop is located just northeast of 4th and Olney
780977 301 Warrenton Fred Meyer
The stop is located northeast of Fred Meyers on SE Neptune.
780978 302 Ensign and 101
The stop is located on the southwest corner of Ensign and Highway 101 (Southwest of Home Depot).
780979 303 Camp Rilea
The stop is located at the northwest corner of Camp Rilea Road and North Neacoxie Road (VA Clinic).
780980 304 KOA / Fort Stevens
The stop is outside the office of KOA.
780981 305 Hammond 4 Way Stop
The stop is located at the northeast corner of Pacific Drive and Lake Drive (Highway 104).
780982 306 Warrenton Mini Mart
The stop is located at the northeast corner of 1st Street and South Main Street (Highway 104).

Displaying 101-150 of 188 stops.