About OpenMobilityData

The goal of OpenMobilityData is to collect open data about mobility from around the world. Currently, it hosts transit data in the GTFS and GTFS-realtime formats. Our team of volunteers has collected over 1,200 feeds from 50 countries.

OpenMobilityData is a free service for power users of transit data, including app developers, web developers, and transit agencies. You can browse feeds in a unified format that makes it easy to explore the data, or you can register for the API so you can access it in a steady format.

All of OpenMobilityData's metadata, including the API and site contents, are made available under Creative Commons CC0 (CC0). (Individual transit feeds are subject to the terms & conditions of their own respective data provider.)

Users who log in with Github can submit a new feed or report an issue with existing feeds.


OpenMobilityData is a project of MobilityData, the Canadian non-profit organization that works to increase access to information for public transportation riders to improve global mobility.