routes.txt: Transit routes. A route is a group of trips that are displayed to riders as a single service.
Column |
route_long_name |
route_type |
route_text_color |
agency_id |
route_id |
route_color |
route_short_name |
route_long_name,route_type,route_text_color,agency_id,route_id,route_color,route_short_name Kingsway School To Gulf Harbour,3,,BAYES,01268-20220329124816_v100.77,,012 St Marys Primary To Beach Haven,3,,RTH,03554-20220325114307_v100.59,,035 Papakura Interchange To Otahuhu Station Via Great South Rd,3,,RTH,03301-20220329124816_v100.77,,33 Outer Link Anticlockwise Newmarket To St Lukes,3,,NZB,72123-20220325114307_v100.59,,OUT