25nb Central Devonport

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Route Summary

Route 25nb (out) / Interchange B to Don College: Rooke - Best - Percy - Steele - Surrey - Best - Watkinson - Parker - Nixon - NPS - Oldaker - Watkinson. Variation: Loops past Nixon Primary & St Brendans. Schools: NPS - SBCS. Route 25bo (in) / Don College to Interchange: Watkinson - Nicholls - Percy - James - SBCS - Sorrell - Nicholls - Nth Fenton - James - Clements - North - William - Best - DHS - Gunn - Steele - DPS/OLOL - Fenton - Best - Rooke. Variation: Loops around St Brendans. Schools: SBCS - DHS - DPS/OLOL.

  • Operates: On individual days
  • Starts: Monday, 6 February 2017
  • Ends: Friday, 18 December 2020