45ex Latrobe/Spreyton

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Route Summary

Route 45e (out) / Interchange A to Mersey Hospital: Rooke - Best - William - Middle - Middle - Stoney Rise - Mersey Main - Frogmore - Gilbert - Bradshaw - Reibey - Percival - Gilbert - Lyell - Cotton - Cherry - Gilbert - Percival - Moriarty - Torquay. Variation: Reverse Loop of Latrobe including Earl Town. Route 45x (in) / Mersey Hospital to Interchange: Torquay - Moriary - Bass Hwy - Formby Rd - Rooke. Variation: Express - via Bass Hwy.

  • Operates: On individual days
  • Starts: Tuesday, 3 January 2017
  • Ends: Friday, 15 January 2021