calendar.txt: Dates for service IDs using a weekly schedule. Specify when service starts and ends, as well as days of the week where service is available.
Column |
service_id |
service_name |
monday |
tuesday |
wednesday |
thursday |
friday |
saturday |
sunday |
start_date |
end_date |
service_id,service_name,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday,start_date,end_date c_69255_b_80220_d_127,March 2023 Routes 5C 5T (All days of week),1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20230320,20231231 c_67707_b_78293_d_127,Nov 2022 thru Spring 2023 Routes 1 and 2 (All days of week),1,1,1,1,1,1,1,20221031,20230518 c_67619_b_78169_d_96,Fall Winter Spring 2022 2023 Route 9 (Weekend),0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20221015,20230518 c_45840_b_55939_d_96,Adjusted Spring 2022 Route 3 WeekendUpdate (Weekend),0,0,0,0,0,1,1,20220716,20230319